How can i get ftp files show on my list widget using QNetworkAccessManager Qt 5.8?
This has nothing to do with Qt.
Didn't you get a new folder named qtftp ?
Open the project .pro file with Qt Creator and build it.
By the way, what OS are you on ?
Which version of Qt are you using to build that module ?
Did you install the module ?
Did you add
QT += ftp
to your .pro file and re-run qmake after that ? -
But commandFinshed signal does not work. here is my code:
#define FTPDIALOG_H#include <QDialog>
#include <QFtp>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QDebug>namespace Ui {
class FtpDialog;
}class FtpDialog : public QDialog
explicit FtpDialog(QWidget *parent = 0);
~FtpDialog();public slots:
void connectClicked();
void ftpFinished(int, bool);
void getFileList();
Ui::FtpDialog *ui;
QFtp ftp;
};#endif // FTPDIALOG_H
#include "ftpdialog.h"
#include "ui_ftpdialog.h"FtpDialog::FtpDialog(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::FtpDialog)
connect(ui->connectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(connectClicked()));
connect(&ftp,SIGNAL(commandFinished(int,bool)), this, SLOT(ftpFinished(int,bool)));ui->disconnectButton->setEnabled(false); ui->cdButton->setEnabled(false); ui->upButton->setEnabled(false); ui->getButton->setEnabled(false);
delete ui;
}void FtpDialog::connectClicked()
ui->connectButton->setEnabled(false);ftp.connectToHost(""); ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Connecting to host..."));
void FtpDialog::ftpFinished(int request, bool error)
// Handle errors depending on the command caussing it
case QFtp::ConnectToHost:
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("Failed to connect to host."));
ui->connectButton->setEnabled(true);break; case QFtp::Login: QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("Failed to login.")); ui->connectButton->setEnabled(true); break; case QFtp::List: QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("Failed to get file list.\nClosing connection")); ftp.close(); break; } ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Ready."));
// React to the current command and issue
// more commands or update the user interface
case QFtp::ConnectToHost:
ftp.login();break; case QFtp::Login: getFileList(); break; case QFtp::Close: ui->connectButton->setEnabled(true); // getFileList(); break; case QFtp::List: ui->disconnectButton->setEnabled(true); ui->upButton->setEnabled(true); ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Ready.")); break; } }
void FtpDialog::getFileList()
@walter-j You should connect a slot to and see what happens
keep in mind that QFftp has not been updated for a very long time and therefore may not automatically support your target FTp-Servers protocolls.
I run into this, when one of my old projects worked fine with the old FTP-Server but failed completely with the new one.
You need an external library and I don't feel to recommend QFtp as it's not maintained anymore. libCURL is probably the standard library in the C/C++ world (and probably beyond). You can use a cpp wrapper like curlpp if you don't like the aftertaste C leaves in your mouth.
This example (source) will download the list of files from and save it in a file called
#include <stdio.h> #include <curl/curl.h> static size_t write_response(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data) { FILE *writehere = (FILE *)data; return fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, writehere); } #define FTPBODY "ftp-list" #define FTPHEADERS "ftp-responses" int main(void) { CURL *curl; CURLcode res; FILE *ftpfile; FILE *respfile; /* local file name to store the file as */ ftpfile = fopen(FTPBODY, "wb"); /* b is binary, needed on win32 */ /* local file name to store the FTP server's response lines in */ respfile = fopen(FTPHEADERS, "wb"); /* b is binary, needed on win32 */ curl = curl_easy_init(); if(curl) { /* Get a file listing from sunet */ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, ftpfile); /* If you intend to use this on windows with a libcurl DLL, you must use CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION as well */ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, write_response); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, respfile); res = curl_easy_perform(curl); /* Check for errors */ if(res != CURLE_OK) fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_perform() failed: %s\n", curl_easy_strerror(res)); /* always cleanup */ curl_easy_cleanup(curl); } fclose(ftpfile); /* close the local file */ fclose(respfile); /* close the response file */ return 0; }