Resource File not in executing File
Im asking me if there are Options to compile the Resources in other Files then the Executable? I have Images and Soundfiles and i dont want that my executing File is larger then 100 MB. Im thinking of 2 explicit Files containing the Assets.
Is that in some way possible?
Yes it is. Take a look at External Binary Resources in Qt's documentation.
Sorry but i dont understand rcc. What i read is that i can create, as Example, a Texture.qrc Resource File. Now i need to use the rcc command over the shell to create from this File an extern File?
Like that
rcc -binary textures.qrc -o textures.rcc
Do i need to execute rcc over the Shell or is it possible to add this to my pro File?
Yes on the shell.
You can create a custom target to automate that.
What do you mean by "it doesn't work" ?