QTabBar with QComboBox
I want to implement a tabbar with the tabs, then the left and right arrows for navigation (not overlapping) and then either a combobox or a button to activate a combobox with all tabs listet. The latter only in the case when not all tabs can be shown. I just need some hints/directions how to implement it: derive from QTabBar and overwrite paint etc, or replace the tabbar with a widget containing an horizontal box layout in which I insert a tabbar and the combobox, or ...
Thomas -
I guess, Stacked widget and stacked layout would be better options. It shows one widget at time.
http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstackedlayout.html -
If you want that combo box after that tab bar then then custom widget with the tab bar followed by the combo box is likely the most simple way to implement it.
Right, that's the best solution if you are using a QTabWidget.