Modifications not taken with QtCreator
This is a weird behaviour I have with QtCreator:
* If I modify the ui within the designer the modifications are not taken in account, like nothing have been changed.
Workaround : after tried clean/clean all/ compile/recompile the project/ quit QtCreator; it seems that the only possibility is to switch from the Symbian project to
Desktop + recompiling and back to Symbian again.I use really often creator during all the day, and this just happened this morning
As I tested it many times, I thought it was enough to create a bug : -
I think I solved the problem.
Something was wrong with the directory structure.
I made the following changes:Created a folder "Naptar" for my project.
Copied the former project folder "Naptar" with all the contents under the main "Naptar" folder.
Deleted the "" file.
Opened the project file and set the new folders by simply clicking OK