QListview margin transparent
I am setting the stylesheet of a QListView by
listView->setStylesheet(QListView {
border-top:1px solid gray;
margin:2px;})WHen I set a margin, I see a 2px with around the list which is white in color. SOmehow I cannot control the color of this margin around the listview. How can I control that? I want to make the margin transparent.
Can you show a complete QListView initialization so that other can try to reproduce your use case with the same code ?
QListView *listView = new QListView(this); listView->setStyleSheet("QListView {\ color: rgb(72,72,72);\ background-color: rgb(228,228,228);\ border-top: 0px solid rgb(40,40,40); min-width:133px;\ margin:0px;\ }\ QListView::item:hover {\ color:rgb(228,228,228);\ background-color: rgb(72,72,72);\ }\ "); setView(listView);
On what are you setting that view ?
@SGaist I apologise for the delayed response. I am setting this on a combobox. It works correctly. The only problem is that the popup keeps jumping every time I click on the combobox.
Can you add your combo box initialization to the code ? That way it can be tested the same as you have on your machine.
By the way, which OS/Qt version are you running ?
@SGaist Sorry for the delay. I am working on Mac. Qt 5.5. My problem has changed a little.
This is my complete code. Everything works correctly. Except that the popup of the comboBox keeps jumping every time I click on the drop down.IvySnapshotComboBox::IvySnapshotComboBox(QWidget *parent): QComboBox(parent) { //Do not insert item to combobox on pressing enter setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::NoInsert); //Set its size policy to [fixed,fixed] setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); //Set height and width setFixedSize(133,36); QStyledItemDelegate* itemDelegate = new QStyledItemDelegate(); setItemDelegate(itemDelegate); setStyleSheet("QComboBox {\ border: 0px solid rgb(228,228,228);\ border-radius: 3px;\ font-family: \"Helvetica Neue Med\";\ font-size: 11px;padding-left:31px;margin-top:1px;\ }\ \ QComboBox:!editable {\ color: rgb(72,72,72);\ background: rgb(228,228,228);\ }\ \ QComboBox::drop-down {\ background: rgb(228,228,228);border-radius: 3px;\ width: 40px;\ }\ \ QComboBox::down-arrow {\ subcontrol-position: left;\ image: url(:/images/Arrow_on.png);\ }\ QComboBox::down-arrow:on { \ image: url(:/images/Arrow_on.png);\ }QComboBox QListView{ color:red; background:yellow;margin:5px;}\ "); QListView *listView = new QListView(this); listView->setStyleSheet("QListView {\ color: rgb(72,72,72);margin:0px;border-radius:3px;\ selection-background-color: rgb(72,72,72);\ border: 0px solid rgb(228,228,228);\ background: rgb(228,228,228);min-width:133px;\ }\ QListView::item:selected{ min-height:50px;}\ QListView::item:hover {\ color: rgb(228,228,228);\ background-color: rgb(72,72,72);\ }\ "); setView(listView); QStringList list; list << "Shirt" << "Shoe"; addItems(list); } void IvySnapshotComboBox::showPopup() { QComboBox::showPopup(); QWidget *popup = this->findChild<QFrame*>(); popup->move(popup->x()+8,popup->y()-(maxElements-i)*this->height()-2); }
Jumping ? Likely because you are moving it by hand. Why are you moving it by hand ?
@SGaist Moving it by hand? Do you mean the show Popup function(). Even if I don't use that, the position is inconsistent with this code.
Can you check with a more recent version of Qt ?
I can't reproduce your problem, I don't know what
should be. But if I remove the showPopup method it shows the combobox at the right place for OS X.