Error while building/deploying project animatedtiles (kit: Qt4.8.7)
Hello all,
when i am trying to run the project i get the following error please help me out from it
10:32:18: Running steps for project animatedtiles...
10:32:18: Starting: "D:\Qt4.8.7\4.8\mingw482\bin\qmake.exe" D:\Qt4.8.7\Examples\Qt-4.8\animation\animatedtiles\ -r -spec qws\integrity-arm-cxarm
10:32:18: The process "D:\Qt4.8.7\4.8\mingw482\bin\qmake.exe" exited normally.
10:32:18: Cannot find Makefile. Check your build settings.
Error while building/deploying project animatedtiles (kit: Qt4.8.7)
When executing step "Make"
10:32:18: Elapsed time: 00:00.
Here we can see the build settings
@Ardec said in Error while building/deploying project animatedtiles (kit: Qt4.8.7):
Are you trying to cross-compile?
@Ardec You cannot do that using MinGW Qt.
You need Qt built for your target device.
If you do not have prebuilt Qt then you need to cross-compile it by yourself. In any case you need the right tool-chain (compiler, linker, some libs) for your target - you cannot use MinGW which for x86/Windows. -
@jsulm Yeah you are right, Which compiler should i use to generate ARM bins. Please help me out how to do it. I am new to this....
In the qt4.8.7 I created a batch file and I passed command to configure qt for INTEGRITY(arm v7).configure -embedded -xplatform qws/integrity-arm-cxarm -hostprefix %CD% -prefix / -qt-sql-sqlite -nomake examples -nomake demos
it generated project.gpj top project file.
I opened it in multi and compiled and build was successful.
Now i am trying to run some demo application, just i found some exmple projects in exmples qt 4.8.
i am using qt creator 3.2.2 for running project. I have added the kit and rest of things in order to generate application.gpj but i am facing some problems here.
According to you I am going in a wrong way
here are the kits and etc
@Ardec Please do not post pictures as they are only visible to you (known issue in this forum). Which compiler to use depends on your target device. You actually need more than just the compiler - you need a sysroot containing needed libraries and headers for your target device. You can find some information here