QML / Video / Autorepeat:true // Ugly white screen is displayed between video looping
Mobile and Embedded
Hi there,
I am using the following qml video element in the loop mode.
//official example of http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtmultimedia-video.html Video { id: video width : 800 height : 600 source: "video.mp4" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { video.play() } } focus: true autoPlay: true Keys.onSpacePressed: video.playbackState == MediaPlayer.PlayingState ? video.pause() : video.play() Keys.onLeftPressed: video.seek(video.position - 5000) Keys.onRightPressed: video.seek(video.position + 5000) }
As the video reaches the end, an ugly white screen is displayed before the video starts again.
Is this a qt bug?
Is there a solution available?
Maybe there is a workaround?I appreciate your comments.
Kind regards