Encrypted sqlite file problem in QT
I using Arcgis Runtime SDK for Qt 10.2.6 and Qt 5.4.2 (MSVC 2013, 32 bit) Qt Creator QT\QML side. And we are develop and deploy Adroid app with Android Armeobi-v7a (GCC4.9 , QT 5.4.2) kid.
I try to open Local database with qml code but sqlite file has password .Is there any way to solve this problem with qml or c++? I download .sqlite file and .ini file from server and save it ,then I want to use it from qml side. But when I run this code I get “Error: file is encrypted or is not a database Unable to execute statement” . Here is below our code:var db = LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync("newdb", "1.0", "newdb", 1000000);
function(tx) {
var rs = tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM Table);
)Best Regards
AFAIK, you can't access a custom database through the LocalStorage API. You can however make it available for example through a custom QSqlTableModel.
Are there any code example to open sqlite file with password in C++ side ?
Are you using an encrypted database ?
Yes we are using encrypted database .We want to use and open sqlite file in qt side .Database encripted with password using SqliteConnection class from c# side.
Then you should take a look at the SQLCipher project. AFAIK, you can also find instructions to build a Qt SQL plugin with it to use in your project.