QIcon, how to set it from code?
Hi everyone,
I want to create GUI application for basic text file manipulation. My application up to now has 4 simple QPushButtons: load, save, save-as and exit. My goal is to set up default icons on them. I use Linux Mint 17.
What is a real problem: When I go in QtDesigner, click on pushbutton I can simply write under "Theme" bar: "document-open" and it will load Icon for document open. However when I put in my code next line:
QIcon saveAs = QIcon::fromTheme("document-save-as");
ui->SaveAsFileBtn->setIcon(saveAs);it does not change icon. I assume that the problem is my theme. Can anyone please help me how to set up these Icons.
thank you in advance
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Are you sure your theme provides such an icon ?
You can check with the isNull method.
Thank you on warm welcome,
You were correct it is null but I am confused now a lot. What bothers me is next:
For instance:
In Qt Designer I drag QPushButton and open his properties. Next I navigate to Icon property and start writing in tab "Theme" : document-open or document-save and some kind of icon is showing in tab icon. My question is how to use that icon?My english is not the best-but I hope you guys know what I mean.
It might be that the current theme you are using doesn't provide an icon for "document-save-as"
maybe it helps setting the theme explicitly using QIcon::setThemeName("THEME-NAME").QtDoc:
The name should correspond to a directory name in the themeSearchPath() containing an index.theme file describing it's contents.
Check the search paths on your system and see what they actually contain.
It have "document-save-as" icon, it display it in the QT designer.
I try also QIcon::setThemeName() but unfortunately it did not give any positive results. QIcon::themeSearchPath() gives me "/usr/share/icons/" directory, but there are many themes inside :/ I don't know how to choose correct one. Is there a way to find what theme is currently active on my desktop?
Ok, so here how I did it.
I literally search for icon path, first of all I have found what theme my OS is currently using. Then I found where are my Icons stored, after that I have found my icon.
std::string search = QIcon::themeSearchPaths()[0].toStdString(); std::string out = GetStdoutFromCommand("gsettings list-recursively | grep icon-theme "); std::vector <int> positions; for (int i = 0; i < out.size();++i) if (out[i] == '\'') positions.push_back(i); int p1 = positions[positions.size()-1], p2 = positions[positions.size()-2]; p2=p2+1; std::string theme = out.substr(p2,p1-p2); search +="/"; std::string path; path = "find "+search+theme+"/* -iname document-open.png | grep '32'"; std::string icon_open = GetStdoutFromCommand(path);
Many parsing is done but I think that generally idea is ok. And also here is the code to capture bash command output: GetStdoutFromCommand