Access Tabview button from main
i have this form:
Item { width: 900 height: 900 id: root TabView { id: tabView width: 900 height: 900 Tab { id: tabClienti title: "Clienti" source: "Clienti.qml" Rectangle { id: rectangleClienti x: 0 y: 32 width: 900 height: 69 color: "#ffffff" TextField { id: textNpu x: 8 y: 22 width: 164 height: 26 placeholderText: qsTr("NPU") } Button { id: btnClienti x: 807 y: 21 text: qsTr("Cerca") } } } }
i'd need access to button from my main.qml:
ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 900 height: 900 minimumWidth: 900 minimumHeight: 900 maximumWidth: 900 maximumHeight: 900 title: qsTr("Cimoda Admin") menuBar: MenuBar { Menu { title: qsTr("File") MenuItem { text: qsTr("&Open") onTriggered: console.log("Open action triggered"); } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Exit") shortcut: "Ctrl+Q" onTriggered: Qt.quit(); } } } MainForm { anchors.fill: parent // ACCESS TO BUTTON } }
how can i do this operation in qml??
Why do you need to access that button from your ApplicationWindow ?
to set the onCliecked event.
if i do simething like this:Button { id: btnClienti x: 807 y: 21 text: qsTr("Cerca") onClicked:"hello") }
qtcreator tell me this message:
Functions are not supported in a Qt Quick UI Form
It's not the role of your ApplicationWindow to know that there's a specific button in a sub-control from another control that you want do react on.
You should rather emit a signal from that form that you will react on in ApplicationWindow. That way you'll avoid tight coupling and maintenance nightmare. Just imagine that you change that button for something else, now you have to modify at least two files to make things work again.
something like this?
Item { width: 900 height: 900 id: root signal searchClient(string msg) TabView { id: tv width: 900 height: 900 Tab { id: tabClienti title: "Clienti" source: "Clienti.qml" Rectangle { id: rectangleClienti x: 0 y: 32 width: 900 height: 69 color: "#ffffff" TextField { id: textNpu x: 8 y: 22 width: 164 height: 26 placeholderText: qsTr("NPU") } Button { id: btnClienti x: 807 y: 21 text: qsTr("Cerca") onClicked: root.searchClient("HELLO") } } } } }
but i have always this message:
Functions are not supported in a Qt Quick UI Form
and the designer doesn't work properly!