Qt 5.6 QListView Not Drawing Selection/Highlighting Properly
I use many QListViews in my application, and since changing from version to 5.6.0 on Windows (msvc2013) I am experiencing drawing problems in them all. The selection and/or mouse-over highlighting initially draws nothing or only draws a black outline around the selected field(s) without the normal blue shadowing, and eventually the highlighting will draw using a couple different shades of blue and possibly black such that the field(s) affected look corrupted.
I use the prebuilt libraries and DLLs for MSVC2013; I experience the problem under 32 and 64 bit release and debug builds.
Have I missed something important switching from Qt 5.5 to 5.6? Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be?
Which version of Windows are you using ?
Looks like a bug. You should check the bug report system
Thank you.
It seems there is a similar bug report: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-51799 -
QTBUG-52230 should rather be followed.