X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory
These are for your host system not for your target.
Since you want to cross-compile Qt with X11 support you need to provide your cross-toolchain with both header and libraries for the architecture you are cross-compiling to.
2 solutions are possible:
- Cross-compile each dependency needed
- Get the packages from the distribution of your board, extract them somewhere and add the paths to your configure line.
Regarding first option,
Headers and their linking headers are many, it's becoming difficult to get exact files and even difficult to compile.Regarding second option.
I could not find the distribution for Odroid, If you can provide me some links to download it.Thank you.
What linux flavor are you running on your Odroid ?
So there you have it: it's an Ubuntu
Again, this is just a toolchain.
There's no one link. Since you don't want to use the sysroot option, either go to packages.ubuntu.com and download there the dependencies you need or use your device, install all dependencies there, then copy them to your host computer.
Already installed all the xcb dependcies.
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libavahi-gobject-dev libSM-dev libfontconfig-dev libXext-dev libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libx11-dev libxcursor-dev libxfixes-dev libxft-dev libxi-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev
You installed them on you host computer. Do it on the target