removing item in qlistwidget through string
it says QListWidget::removeItemWidget(QListWidgetItem * item) doesnt delete the i did this :
for ( int a = 0; a < ui->clientList->count()+1; a++ )
if ( ui->clientList->item(a)->text() == QString::fromStdString(name) )
delete ui->clientList->takeItem(a);
}any better solution?
remove +1 in
for ( int a = 0; a < ui->clientList->count()+1; a++ )
If you want to remove everything you can just call
takeItem changes the count and the item at current index so your loop skips an item every time you take something from it. It's generally bug-prone to modify any container you're looping through.
Also constructing the same string in every loop pass is not a good idea.What you can do instead is this:
qDeleteAll(ui->clientList->findItems(QString::fromStdString(name), Qt::MatchFixedString));
takeItem changes the count and the item at current index
im aware of that thanks, i dont have any problem here since i only need to delete one item. also i forgot to put break inside the if statement so you thought i will delete multiple items in one set of loopAlso constructing the same string in every loop pass is not a good idea.
what do you mean?and ive noticed that this code:
for ( int a = 0; a < ui->clientList->count(); a-- ) { if ( ui->clientList->item(a)->text() == QString::fromStdString(name) ) { delete ui->clientList->takeItem(a); break; } }
can only delete the first item, i mean let say i have 3 items in my QListWidget object.
if the if statement is true and a is 0, it deletes the item at row 0 successfully
but if the if statement is true and a is 1 or 2, it doesnt delete the item, it only highlights the item as if you mouseclick on it. -
what do you mean?
I mean this:
. It creates new instance of QString, allocates storage and makes a copy of the std::string data. And you're doing it in every loop pass while you could be doing it once in advance.for ( int a = 0; a < ui->clientList->count(); a-- )
You're starting at 0 and then you a-- into oblivion ;)
You could of course start at the end and iterate backwards, but isn't a straight one-liner better than an 8 line loop with conditional expression? It's easier to read and very hard to get wrong (no loops, ifs, counters and breaks...).
It creates new instance of QString, allocates storage and makes a copy of the std::string data
i dont know that, i thought its just like a static casting or streamYou're starting at 0 and then you a-- into oblivion
that was just a typo, it is actually a++ in my codethis one does nothing:
qDeleteAll(ui->clientList->findItems(QString::fromStdString(name), Qt::MatchFixedString));
can you link me the documentation for qDeleteAll?EDIT: nevermind the documentation i found it
dont know that, i thought its just like a static casting or stream
It's not. It's a copy and conversion to UTF.
this one does nothing
It does what you wanted - removes and deletes all QListWidgetItems with given text. If it doesn't then there must be something else wrong in your code. Can you make a minimal example that shows the problem?
Can you make a minimal example that shows the problem?
it can only delete the first item in the QListWidget making a chat app. when a user disconnects, he will be disconnected and his/her name will be removed in the QListWidget.
im using SFML network
so this my destructor for client, it runs when that client disconnects.
sf::Packet name;
name << Login::getName().toStdString();
if ( client.send(name) == 0 )
//successfully sends the name of the client the disconnects
// the server will receive its name and send the info to all clients
}void ClientManager::receiveMessage()
if ( client.receive(packet) == 0 )
emit displayMessage();
void MainWindow::displayMessage()
qDebug() << QString::fromStdString(name) << " has been disconnected";
qDeleteAll(ui->clientList->findItems(QString::fromStdString(name), Qt::MatchFixedString));}
minimal example for server side:
void ServerManager::ReceivePacketAndSendToAllClientExceptTheSender()
as you can see in the displayMessage() slot function, the:
qDebug() << QString::fromStdString(name) << " has been disconnected";
prints correctly, so the name received from the server is correct, so i think the only wrong is qDeleteAll(); im lost now :( -
@Chris-Kawa I have fixed it, you're right. it is something else in my code.
i just found and realized it when another part of my program is showing the problem, this time the problem is showing more detailed so i managed to find out.