Qt4 Bluetooth Rfcomm problem I
For the include part your should use
@#include <QBluetoothServiceInfo>@
Did you correctly called "make install" after you have built Qt Mobility ?
This are the exact steps I made:
source /home/claudiu/ti-sdk-am335x-evm-
cd /home/claudiu/qt-mobility-cmosneangs-qt-mobility2
./configure -prefix /home/claudiu/qtcreator-2.7.1
make install
cd /home/claudiu
gedit .profileI changed dir to the folder where I have uncompressed the qt-mobility and then I run configure to the folder where the qtcreator is located and make and make install.
Are you cross-compiling it ?
You should not install Qt Mobility in Qt Creator, it's not its place
Besides your cross-compiled Qt directory. If you have e.g. /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-Embedded-4.8.6 then install Mobility in /usr/locat/Trolltech/Qt-Mobility-Embedded-4.8.6
If you are developing/testing on your computer before building for your ARM board, then you must also compile Qt Mobility for your desktop Qt
So if I use /home/claudiu/ti-sdk-am335x-evm- where I have the compilers for my ARM board I should install Qt-mobility there and put the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to that folder? Even if QtCreator folder is on /home/claudiu/qtcreator-2.7.1?
I am not testing on my computer, I am deploying on the board from Qt Creator.
Thank you. -
Qt Creator is an IDE, it doesn't contain any Qt version to use for developing.
Like I said the best if to install it in the same folder where you have your Qt ARM version
hello there,
i have the same problem with ti-sdk-am335x-evm-, does it support qt mobility "Location & position"?? because it didn't work with me !! , the new ti-sdk-am335x-evm- is support until QT 5.5 but i need to know how to setup this lib with the ti-sdk-am335x-evm-0x.00.00.00 to enable qt creator to deploy my apps in the EVM, what should i do ??
thanks in advance ... -
Qt Mobility is needed for Qt 4. Qt 5.5 has both Qt Location and Qt Positioning modules
hi @SGaist
thanks for replying, that mean if i need to use Qt location i must use qt5 rit ?
okay sorry but i need to ask this , did the QgeoMap support for offline map work or it just work online with the given servers providers !? -
Qt Location is indeed a Qt 5 module.
AFAIK, Qt 5 has currently no offline plugin.