Unknown debugger type “No engine”
Windows 7
Using Visual Studio ?
Not anymore.
Then can you tell me exactly what version of Qt did you install ?
"qt-unified-windows-x86-2.0.2-2-online" is the name of the file I downloaded. In the About Qt Creator section it says "Qt 5.5.1 (MSVC 2013, 32 bit)".
That's the online installer. So which version of Qt did you select to install on your computer ?
Isn't it the 5.5 version? How can I find out?
You can install 5.5.1 for Visual Studio 2013 64 or 32bit, 2012 32bit, 201032bit or MinGW. Which one did you choose ?
I don't remember. I will reinstall it. Which one should I choose?
If you don't want to use Visual Studio, install the MinGW package.
Earlier I had the same issue. I solved like this.
If you are installing 5.5.1 for Visual Studio 2013 64 or 32bit, 2012 32bit, 201032bit. Then install windows Debuggers.
Qt will detect automatically the compiler and Debugger. To set manually Tools->options->kits->set one of auto detected , then you can see all.