Qt Creator not stopping at breakpoints
I'm new to Qt Creator and trying to step through some code that I've written. I've set a breakpoint on a line which prints a message to the console, so I know it is being executed. However, the debugger is not stopping when it gets to that line.
I'm pretty sure I'm compiling for debug mode - the top icon of the bottom menu in the left sidebar says 'Debug' and if you expand it, I have "kit: Desktop Qt 5.5.0 MSVC2013 46-bit" and "build: debug" selected. This is also creating what looks like a debug build in the root of the directory where my project is.
I'm starting a debug session by clicking the green arrow with the bug with the tooltip 'Start Debugging F5'.
I'm running on Windows 7 using Qt Creator 3.5.0.
How do I get the debugger to halt at my breakpoints?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
The question might sound sill but did you also install Microsoft's debugger ?
Then, double check to ensure you did also install the debugger. It's not part of the Visual Studio installation.
[edit: added missing part]