Building Qt 5.5 for Raspberry Pi, install path behaviour
Hi all,
I'm building Qt 5.5 for Raspberry Pi as usual:./configure -opensource -confirm-license -no-pch -prefix /opt/qt550-raspi -release -device linux-rasp-pi-g++ -make libs -nomake tests -nomake examples -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/arm-toolchain/gcc-4.7-linaro-rpi-gnueabihf/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf- -sysroot /mnt/raspi/ make make install
I've done the same with previous Qt release without problem, after "make install" I usually got the library in /mnt/raspi/opt/qt550-raspi and the binary (qmake ecc...) in /opt/qt550-raspi on my host PC .
Now with Qt 5.5.0 I only get all (library and binary) on /mnt/raspi/opt/qt550-raspi and nothing in my host PC.
What should it be the reason?
Hi and thanks for reply.
The problem is that I usually mount my Raspi SD card in /mnt/raspi so this way I got all binary (qmake etc...) in the SD of my Raspi while I need only library on my Raspi and all the binary to cross compile in my PC. -
My solution for this is, that i always create two images (with dd tool) of SD card. One with all development staff (qmake etc, development packages, librares etc), and another one for flashing SD card for raspberry with only needed staff (libs, programs configurations etc), and then mount image with full staff in my workstation.