create desktop shortcut on fedora and rhel using Qt Installer Framework.
I have created a desktop shortcut in ubuntu and works fine using this . Now I am trying to create desktop shortcut on rhel and fedora using Qt Installer Framework using these lines.
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=App_name Exec=/path/to/App_name Icon=/path/to/App_name/App_name.ico Terminal=false
The shortcut is successfully created on desktop in rhel and fedora but when trying to run the app_name.desktop from terminal it gives
app_name.desktop: line 1: [Desktop Entry]: command not found
I cant figure it why . is these any other method to create desktop shortcut ?
I have just added following lines in my installscript.qscomponent.addOperation("CreateDesktopEntry", "@HomeDir@/Desktop/App_name.desktop", "Type=Application\nName=App_name\nExec=@TargetDir@/App_name\nIcon=@TargetDir@/App_name.ico\nTerminal=False")