Translation of QDialogButtonBox in statically build app
I created an app that is statically build into one exe file. I use the translation .qm files to switch between languages. I load them from the qrc resource file:QApplication a(argc, argv); QTranslator translator; QString locale; locale = QLocale::system().name(); translator.load(QString(":/lang/myapp_") + locale); a.installTranslator(&translator);
My problem is that the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons of QDialogButtonBox are not translated.
How to instruct the QT5.5 to include the system .qm files in the exe? I would like to avoid copying the system .qm files into my project. -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
AFAIK, you can't avoid that copy
@SGaist Thanks.
If I cannot avoid a copy, can I at least automate the copy to my project via the .pro file by running qmake? Eg. are the translation files across platforms always at the same location?
In addition, do I also need to load the translations manually from the resource file or is there another way to instruct the qt to load them from the resource file? -
Another question related to translations. If I run
, it generates the .qm file in the same directory as the .ts files. Is there a way to specify the output directory? -
IIRC, you can call
lrelease -qm path/qmfile.qm
Finally I'm able to automatically copy the qt translation files and create resource file from the pro file:
TRANSLATIONS = myapp_cs.ts \ myapp_xx.ts QT_TRANSLATIONS = qtbase_cs.qm #------------------------------------------------- # create lang folder QM_DIR = $$shadowed($${PWD})/lang mkpath($${QM_DIR}) mkpath($${QM_DIR}/lang) #------------------------------------------------- # copy system translation files to lang folder for(FILE,QT_TRANSLATIONS){ FILE = $$shell_path($$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS]/$${FILE}) system($${QMAKE_COPY} $${FILE} $$shell_path($${QM_DIR}/lang)) } #------------------------------------------------- #generate qm files directly from qmake for(FILE,TRANSLATIONS){ QM_FILE = $$shell_path($${QM_DIR}/lang/$$replace(FILE,.ts,.qm)) system(lrelease $${FILE} -qm $${QM_FILE}) } #------------------------------------------------- #create resource file with translations win32:system(cd $$shell_path($${QM_DIR}) & rcc --project -o lang.qrc) unix:system(cd $$shell_path($${QM_DIR}) ; rcc --project -o lang.qrc) RESOURCES += $${QM_DIR}/lang.qrc #------------------------------------------------- # extra target to generate ts translation files lupdate.commands = lupdate $$_PRO_FILE_ lupdate.depends = FORCE QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += lupdate #------------------------------------------------- # extra compiler to generate qm translation files lrelease.input = TRANSLATIONS lrelease.output = $${QM_DIR}/lang/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qm lrelease.commands = lrelease ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} -qm ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} lrelease.CONFIG += no_link target_predeps QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += lrelease