<< OpenFileDialog works only as root >>
I am using some programs created using Qt (I am not developing any programs).
After opening a program, I want to load a file. As a normal user, the OpenFile dialog appears but do not let me choose any file or even change the directory. If I run the same program as root (under linux), the OpenFile dialog behave normally.
This happens with different programs compiled using Qt (Avogadro, Mercury, GDIS,...)
Any ideas?
Please provide your Qt version, linux flavour and version.
Did you check the file permissions on the opened directory?
qmake --version:
QMake version 2.01a
Using Qt version 4.8.6 in /usr/lib64Linux flavour: OpenSUSE 13.2 64bits
Yes, I do have read/write permission on the opened directory.
Apparently you're using the Qt version provided by OpenSUSE.
By chance, do you know the Qt version against which the problematic application was linked?
Nop, I do not know. It is possible to get that kind of information from the application executable?
The Avogadro soft is available form the distro repos (and can be download from: http://avogadro.cc/wiki/Main_Page.
The Mercury software is only available by direct download from: http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/Solutions/FreeSoftware/Pages/FreeMercury.aspx -
@JohanSolo Also it is not working with MEGA :(
Unfortunately I'm out of ideas... It might happen that they did something wrong when creating the binaries. Did you check the SUSE forums?
"It is possible to get that kind of information from the application executable?" - it's easy.
Call ldd PATH_TO_EXECUTABLE in a terminal