Layout issue in the window.
Hi there,
Instead of a QTabWidget on the left side, you could use a QListView linked to a QStackedLayout
Not sure this is what you need, but you can achieve this kind of interface: you can hide/show multiple QWidget on the QStackLayout depending on the selection of the QListView.
Good luck! -
Hi Mr.Maximus,
I need a Tabwidget with two tabs, each tab holds different controls. Could you please have a look on my link.'SO that you will get an idea.
thanks for your advice.
Please have look on the image attached here.
Sumi. -
Thank you for the picture.
You could have a ListView on the left replacing the TabWidget, then 2 QStackWidget on the right.
Would be best if you could show the interaction with the 3 UI at the bottom so we can understand better what you need. Hand written UI works fine for saving time :) -
Thank you Mr. Maximus,
In the moment I don't have full stuff to show. But I can explain the whole thing for better understanding of my problem. But approximately I will going to some stuff some like this. Please have a look on controls and visualization window. In my case I also will be having another dock on Right side. Thid right side dock will also make communication Visualization screen,
Might after end of the code.It might look this stuff
thank in advance,
Sumi -
Here is part of my code:
Qwidget *window = new Qwidget;
creat Actions();
createtoolbar();Q**** mainlayout = new Q***; ////////////////////////how to give the layout like in the linkof the above post
mainlayout->addwidget/layout (tabwidget goes here);
void mainwindow:: createmenubar()
//menu stuff file edit blah etc
void mainwindow::createtoolbar()
fonttoolbar->addaction***** blah
void mainwindow::create_tabW_widget_container()
void mainwindow::createdocks_for_opengl()
Qgridlayout *gridodopengldocks = new QGridlayout;
Qdockwidget 'dock = new Qdockwidget;
QOpenGLWidget *glwidget = new QopenglWidget;
}void mainwindow::createporperty()
Qdockwidget 'prop_ock = new Qdockwidget;
property_dock->setpositon (Right..)}
Oh I see now.
You only need a QHorizontalLayout a the bottom for your 3 QWidgets
So basically:
- Set Main Layout to a Vertical Layout
- Insert Menu Bar, Tool, bar, specifiy a maximum height so it doesn't take too much
- Create a Horizontal Layout, insert your 3 QWidget there
- Insert the Horizontal Layout(3) in the Vertical Layout
You can do all this in the Designer just for testing
Good luck,
Max -
Hi Maximus ,
I was trying this as you told.But it is giving me the crash. I don't know Where I did mistake.
It is giving error :: QLayout: Cannot add a null layout to QHBoxLayout/And here is code clip..
MainWindow:: MainWindow() { QWidget *window = new QWidget(); setCentralWidget(window); QHBoxLayout *HLayout = new QHBoxLayout; HLayout->addLayout(tabbox ); HLayout->addLayout(grid); HLayout->addLayout(docks); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->addLayout(HLayout); window->setLayout(mainLayout); createActions(); createMenus(); createToolBar(); createPropertyDock(); createtabwidget(); createDockWidget(); QString message = tr("A context menu is available by right-clicking"); statusBar()->showMessage(message); setWindowTitle(tr("Mainwindow")); setMinimumSize(160, 160); resize(1200, 800); } void MainWindow :: createPropertyDock() { QHBoxLayout *docks =new QHBoxLayout; QDockWidget *dock = new QDockWidget(tr("Properties"), this); docks->addWidget(dock); dock->setAllowedAreas(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea); addDockWidget(Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, dock); } void MainWindow :: createtabwidget() { QHBoxLayout *tabbox = new QHBoxLayout; QTabWidget *tabWidget = new QTabWidget; tabbox->addWidget(tabWidget); tabWidget->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::West); tabWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy ::Fixed , QSizePolicy ::Fixed); //tabWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Expanding); tabWidget->setMinimumSize(256,1160); tabWidget->setMaximumSize(256,1160); } void MainWindow::createDockWidget() { QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout; QDockWidget *dw = new QDockWidget; grid->addWidget(dw); dw->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Expanding); dw->setWidget(new QOpenGLWidget); }
thnaks in advance ,
Sumi[edit: Added missing coding tags ``` SGaist]
@N.Sumi said:
Hi, just a question.
void MainWindow :: createtabwidget()
you create the local variable:
QHBoxLayout *tabbox = new QHBoxLayout;
and in
MainWindow:: MainWindow()
Layout->addLayout(tabbox );If they are the same ?, then tabbox should live in MainWindow class and it should be
tabbox = new QHBoxLayout;
in createtabwidget()
My guess is that you did declare them in .h but made a local var by accident. ? -
If it crashes, a simple run through the debugger will tell you where exactly it misbehave