QtCreator as a Cocos2d-x dialog designer tool
We want to use QtCreator as a tool for the game dialogs designers for cocos2d-x engine. It should support dialogs design for several screen resolutions and aspect ratios. Design localization is must-have feature too. During the design process we want to see how designed dialog will look like in the game using game's rendering options in separate OpenGL context.
We don't like CocosBuilder and SpriteBuilder because they don't support such layouts that can be used in QtCreator. Also CocosBuilder and SpriteBuilder don't work on Windows and Linux.
I think it's a good idea to write extensions to the QtDesigner GUI and write infrastructure library to deserialize QML-files to the cocos2d-x dialog objects (nodes, layers and so on).
So now I'm at the starting point and I'm asking general question. How this idea should be implemented to use QtCreator infrastructure cleverly?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
I'd recommend going on the #qt-creator IRC channel and/or Qt Creator mailing list, you'll find there Qt Creator's developers/maintainers (this forum is more user oriented)
In any case, you should take a look qmldesigner plugin for starter