Convert Qstring to QPixmap
I am working on project where I have to display image saved in my database into different scene using QGraphicScene. The images are query in string but I am not able to display them in the different scene. -
I tried to used a qvariant variable to convert. But It's not working. Maybe the syntax was wrong
Can you elaborate about drawText(). -
@pmh4514 @Gillou_beginqt means that he has full images saved in his database, not that he wants to draw text coming from his database.
@Gillou_beginqt how did you save these images ? What format to they have ?
QFile file(fileName);
if (! return;
QString img_id,img_name;
int id=img_id.toInt();
QByteArray byteArray = file.readAll();QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("INSERT INTO images(image_id,image_name,images) VALUES (?,?,?)");query.addBindValue(id); query.addBindValue(img_name); query.addBindValue(byteArray); query.exec();
This is the code I used to saved the images in my database. They are in QBytearray -
when you save the image to database, save as unsigned char and save size of the image then you can generate image by following :
QImage(const uchar * data, int width, int height, Format format);
then you can convert the QPixmap
QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(img);
After you have Qpixmap you can add to scene by using QGraphicsPixmapItem.
How to save as unsigned char and save the size of the image
How are you constructing the image from the database ?
Does the Drill Down Example work correctly for you ?