[SOLVED]Using mobility multimedia in Qt 4.8 msvc2010 projects. (QCamera)
Hello ,
I am trying to build QtMEL for Qt 4.8.6 (msvc2010) ,the project depends on Qt multimedia and when I built it it complains about not finding QCamera class for inclusion.Browsing through the examples I found the qcamera example (http://qt.apidoc.info/4.8.5/demos-mobile-qcamera-cameraexample-h.html) under the folder qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6\demos\mobile\qcamera of the sources.
It has the following chunck of code
CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY = contacts
Which in my guess configures the project to user multimedia and mobility.I got some help from the project maintainer and he pointed me to building qtMultimedia but the sources have no mention of the QCamera class.In short ,how can I build qt multimedia so I can use it in my project(Qt 4.8.6 msvc 2010).Is it even usable on desktop platfroms as I have seen that most of it is targeting mobile devices?
Thank you for your time. -
You're welcome !
Happy coding !