[SOLVED] How to show content of another cell in QTableView in italics on condition?
I have table(id, name_first, name_second) and ComboBox. On ComboBox currentIndexChanged(int) i hide or show specific column of QTableView.
Like this:|id|name_first |1 | "first" |2 | "second" |3 | "third"
Some of the name_second cells may be empty
And when combobox is changed to other value i see:|id|name_second |1 | "one" |2 | "" |3 | "three"
In 2nd row i want display content of name_first column in italics.
I think i will need to derive from QTableView but what should I override? -
That would rather be something to do in the your model or using a QIdentityProxyModel