QTimer and QLCDNumber not working correctly together.
I'm trying to simulate the pulses of a machine we're building and I've decided to do it with a QTimer. I've read the documentation and I've seen how it works, however, I can't seem to get it to display in the QLCDNumber I want it to work with.
I've tried with signals and slots, but in the end the QLCDOutpot is an "A".
Here's the piece of my code where I attempt to make the connection, and then further where the methods are developed://Part of the .cpp timer = new QTimer(this); ui->lcdLitres->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(162, 195, 228)"); ui->lcdPrice->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(162, 195, 228)"); ui->btnStart->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(161, 249, 7)"); ui->btnCancel->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(245, 1, 3)"); ui->lcdLitres->setDigitCount(10); ui->lcdPrice->setDigitCount(10); connect(ui->btnStart, SIGNAL(clicked()), timer, SLOT(start())); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(elapseLiters()));
//Still .cpp void QDispenseDisplay::on_btnStart_clicked() { ui->btnCancel->setText("Detener"); bCancelLoop = false; QSqlQuery query; query.exec("SELECT id, fPrecioUnit, fLitros, fImporte FROM Servicios WHERE id = last_insert_rowid()"); query.next(); QSqlRecord record = query.record(); fUnitPrice = record.value(1).toFloat(); fLitres = record.value(2).toFloat(); fTotal = record.value(3).toFloat(); // qDebug() << "Last ID: " << sLastId; qDebug() << "fPrecioUnit: " << fUnitPrice; qDebug() << "fLitros: " << fLitres; qDebug() << "fImporte: " << fTotal; // qDebug() << query.lastError(); timer->setInterval(1000); QString sLitros = QString::number(fElapsedLitres, 'f', 2); QString sPrecio = QString::number(fUnitPrice * fElapsedLitres, 'f', 2); ui->lcdLitres->display(sLitros); ui->lcdPrice->display(sPrecio); if(fElapsedLitres == fLitres) { timer->stop(); } } float QDispenseDisplay::getFElapsedLitres() const { return fElapsedLitres; } void QDispenseDisplay::setFElapsedLitres(float value) { fElapsedLitres = value; } void QDispenseDisplay::elapseLiters() { setFElapsedLitres(fElapsedLitres + 1); }
//header file #ifndef QDISPENSEDISPLAY_H #define QDISPENSEDISPLAY_H #include <QWidget> #include <QTimer> #include <QLCDNumber> #include <QtSql> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QElapsedTimer> namespace Ui { class QDispenseDisplay; } class QDispenseDisplay : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit QDispenseDisplay(QWidget *parent = 0); ~QDispenseDisplay(); public slots: void cancel(bool bCancel) { if ( bCancel != this->bCancel ) { this->bCancel = bCancel; emit cancelling(this->bCancel); this->bCancel = false; } } void delay(int millisecondsToWait); void elapseLiters(); float getFElapsedLitres() const; void setFElapsedLitres(float value); signals: cancelling(bool bCancel); private slots: void on_btnCancel_clicked(); void on_btnNext_clicked(); void on_btnStart_clicked(); private: Ui::QDispenseDisplay *ui; bool bCancel; bool bCancelLoop; QTime *time; QTimer *timer; QElapsedTimer *eTimer; QSqlDatabase sqlLiquascanDB; float fUnitPrice; float fLitres; float fTotal; float fElapsedLitres; }; #endif // QDISPENSEDISPLAY_H
Summarizing (is that a word?), I want the QLCDNumber to display a simple tick every second and stop if it reaches the amount of fLitres.
Thanks in advance. -
Unless I'm mistaken your QLCDNumber widget is in hexadecimal mode, change for Dec and you should be good to go.
@SGaist Thanks for the reply.
I've checked in the designer and it is set to "Dec". It still displays an "A". I´ve updated the signals and slots, but still nothing.void QDispenseDisplay::elapseLiters() { setFElapsedLitres(fElapsedLitres + 1); QString sLitros = QString::number(fElapsedLitres, 'f', 2); QString sPrecio = QString::number(fUnitPrice * fElapsedLitres, 'f', 2); ui->lcdLitres->display(sLitros); ui->lcdPrice->display(sPrecio); if(fElapsedLitres == fLitres) { timer->stop(); } }
When does it start to show that A ?