Problems using QT library with QT application
Hello there. Would appriciate some help I am having with a problem using my own custom dll (yes this is under windows, for some reason I suspect it falls down to how windows handles threading, the library runs just fine under linux).
The library is being used within another Qt application so I initialize QApplication before I use the .dll
Still I get the message "QEventLoop: Cannot be used without QApplication", when I run the debug version. If I build the release version it works fine. I have built the library separately for release and debug and defined them in the .pri project file.
I also get some warnings:
"warning: 'Licensevalidator::staticMetaObject' redeclared without dllimport attribute after being referenced with dll linkage"
which I suspect might be related but not the sole cause, since I get the same errors when bulding release and as mentioned the release executable works fine for some weird reason.
Where do I start to troubleshoot and solve this?
First of all I would check that both application and dlls are built using the same CRTs ( toolchain and even debug/release matters ).
If everything is the same, second question is why did you mention threading. Usage of dll and threading are kind of unrelated.
Usually I would expect such problem if you have static objects in dlls. They are going to be instantiated before QApplication.
What is Licensevalidator ? A widget ? A static one ?
The difference has nothing to do with threads, but there might be difference in initialization order.
And 90% of similar problems I've seen are related to static object initialization order,
In any cases something is mostly likely instantiated before QApplication probably when dll is loaded. -
Linux and Windows are pretty different when it comes to dll handling. Did you export your classes/methods properly ?
Here is the header files (omitted some code). I had to use pastebin for this, because when I tried to wrap the code tags in '@' the forum acted up (the preview pane at least went nuts)
Pro file: