Environment setup for building static qt
I'm following this wiki page about building static Qt on windows with MSVC2013 and there is the step of setting the environment variables the instruction say to edit the script and run it but there is no explanation on what to edit or not, any help is appreciated ?
The edits you can do depend on which complier you have installed, so you would need to adapt the values (e.g. folders) to what you have on your computer
@SGaist thanks , I have actually compiled without the script no errors thought while compiling, but I'm not sure if the errors will popup when i start using the build, but it would be really useful for future builds also I'm compiling OpenCV , so here is my installation paths :
DirectX SDK : C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)
Microsoft SDK : C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs
MSVC : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0
.NET : C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET
OpenSSL : C:\OpenSSL-Win32
Qt source : C:\Qt\5.4.1thanks again for your time