[SOLVED] Set dynamic property by stylesheet?
I would like to set a dynamic property (one that hasn't been declared by Q_PROPERTY but added at runtime) by stylesheet.
svg->setProperty("color", 123); svg->setStyleSheet("qproperty-color: 456;"); cout << "PROP: " << svg->property("color").toInt() << endl;
Unfortunately, the output is 123, so it has not been set by the stylesheet.
It works however if the property is declared by Q_PROPERTY first.
Is this by design? Is there a way to set dynamically added properties by stylesheet?
Thank you very much!
To proper use dynamamic property you must first of all use Q_PROPERTY. Second, you must have appropriate getter and setter.
Third, property and styleSheet is a different thinkgs.
cout << "PROP: " << svg->property("color").toInt() << endl; //What are you expected here??? according your code you must have here 123.I think you must write something like bellow
QString color = svg->getProperty("color", 123);
svg->setStyleSheet("qproperty-color: "+color+";");
cout << "PROP: " << svg->property("color").toInt() << endl; -
I don't think that Q_PROPERTY is necessary to use a property.
From http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/properties.html#dynamic-properties:QObject::setProperty() can also be used to add new properties to an instance of a class at runtime. [...] But if the property with the given name doesn't exist in the QObject (i.e., if it wasn't declared with Q_PROPERTY()), a new property with the given name and value is automatically added to the QObject [...]
I am expecting an output of 456 because I have changed the previously added property "color" by stylesheet to 456 with "qproperty-color: 456;".
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