QMake and additional configurations in VS2012
Hi all,
my current project in configured in windows with vs2012. I have multiple configurations, which are e.g. debug, release, debug_nogui and release_nogui.Now I want to store this information in my .pro file, such that the execution of
qmake -spec win32-msvc2012 -r -tp vc
create a visual studio solution with these four configurations.
Unfortunatly, google didnt help me yet.
main.proTEMPLATE = subdirs
CONFIG += ordered
SUBDIRS = pro1
pro2TARGET = main
pro1.depends = pro2
TARGET = ../lib/proj1
VPATH += include src
HEADERS += ....
SOURCES += ....
Is there any chance to create all four configurations in the same solution by qmake automatically?