QTCreator & self compiled clang (llvm): clang kit not autodetected (Debian linux)?
Hi all,
I plan to use QTCreator as IDE for some llvm related coding and as a first step would like to replace 'Desktop QT 5.4.0 GCC 64 bit' kit by clang.
I installed qt-opensource-linux-x64-1.6.0-7-online,
and compiled and installed recent llvm&clang (following "gettingStarted":http://llvm.org/docs/GettingStarted.html)What do I need to do in order to have clang kit to show up under QTCreator>Tools>Build&Run>Kits>autodetect?
Do I have to configure it manually?
Note: I compiled llvm&clang using configure, make, not cmake.
Do I have to use cmake? Do I need to tell the llvm build to generate someting special for QTCreator?THX
AlexMy setup:
debian wheezy
QTCreator from prebuild Desktop QT 5.4.0 GCC 64 bit
recent llvm&clang from svn branch -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You won't have it under autodetect. You have to create a kit yourself where you set the compiler to your custom clang.
Do I follow "the standard docu":http://qt-project.org/doc/qtcreator-2.6/creator-targets.html?
Does anyone have done this and could post the settings? Just to be sure not to mess-up things? Thx!One goal would be to visually debug llvm pass codes.
Regarding the usage of gdb, I found: "this":http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2226112/debugging-an-llvm-pass-with-gdb
Could this be mapped on QTCreator? Where to start? Any traps?Thx
Alex -
That one, plus the compiler part where you can add your custom clang
Ok, thank you!
Alex -
You're welcome !
Got it working ?
Not yet, have been testing to link against llvm/clang and using clang code model for llvm related developement / debugging. Switching to clang compiler is on the list for the next days!