[SOLVED] Translating QLineEdit context menu
I would like to translate default QLineEdit context menu. I've found a similar topic qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/22203. I know that I should use QApplication::installTranslator() but I don't know which translation file I should load or I should create a new file?
"Here":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/i18n-source-translation.html you have the starting point to create translatable code as well as setup your project (create translation files, load them etc.).
I loaded the file which contains translations of these strings and now it works properly. But I would like to add as well another file with my own strings. I created .qm file and tried to load it but it doesn't work. Is it possible to load several translation files?
Yes it is, just load them all at your application startup. IIRC you can also combine several of them in only one file.
How did you generate your custom file ?
I added this line to .pro file:
@TRANSLATIONS += file_name_pl.ts@Then I run Tools > External > Linguist > Update translations (lupdate) which generated .ts file. I opened this file with Linguist and added translations of strings.
Then I run lupdate and Tools > External > Linguist > Compile translations (lrelease) which generated .qm file. I also added these lines to .cpp file and run the application:
@QTranslator Translator;
app.installTranslator(&Translator);@ -
You are giving it a relative path, did you copy that file in the same folder as the application ?
When using a relative path you must ensure that everything is copied in the right place i.e. the application folder.