Serial port
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
fd = open(MODEMDEVICE,O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY);While(true)
nreturn = read(fd,&chBuf,1);
if(nreturn > 0)
Buffer.append(chBuf[i]);if(chBuf[0] == 0xc9) nReadIndex = 0;
pData[nReadIndex++] = chBuf[i];
qDebug() << "data" << Buffer.toHex();
if(chBuf[0] == 0xcf)
{if(nReadIndex >= 10)
//Display of Gui opreration //
nReadIndex = 0;
For this how can i use timers instead of while loop, where should i start timer , i tried but am geting segmentation problem.Please help me
Without any proper code, I can't.
Without any proper code, I can't.
That won't really help debugging but from the looks of it, you are using the linux platform API, so please ask this on a linux dedicated forum.
There's also this "how to": that should give you some hints and this "stack overflow post":
That won't really help debugging but from the looks of it, you are using the linux platform API, so please ask this on a linux dedicated forum.
There's also this "how to": that should give you some hints and this "stack overflow post":