[SOLVED]Compass not active
I want to take the azimuth of the compass sensor in a Nexus 7 device. I used the QCompass class where we can get the azimuth with the QCompassReading class.
In the Android manifest file, I have added the <user-feature> for the compass sensor like
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14" android:targetSdkVersion="19"/>
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.sensor.compass" android:required="true"/>
@In my cpp file, I used a simple object of the QCompass lik:
In my private class, I declared the object
QCompass *mCompass;
@In the constructor:
m->mCompass = new QCompass(0);
connect(m->mCompass, SIGNAL(readingChanged()), this, SLOT(slotCompassAzimuthChanged()));m->mCompass->start();
QMessageBox::warning(0, "Fehler", "Compass does not start", QMessageBox::Ok);
@The message box is popped out everytime.. I even tried by setting the compass active with the routine before the signal-slot connection, but still the compass is not active like:
@Thanks in advance
With the QSensor::sensorTypes, I could find out that there is no QCompass available. So it is not working.
But is there any other way, I can get the azimuth of the compass in the device. The QGyroscope, Qmagnetometer, QAccelerometer so on are all available. -
With Qt 5.4, the new release, I could get it. I could see the QCompass as one of the available sensors on the device and with the help of the QCompassReading, I could get the azimuth.
With Qt 5.4, the new release, I could get it. I could see the QCompass as one of the available sensors on the device and with the help of the QCompassReading, I could get the azimuth.