Problem aligning widgets in QVBoxLayout
I have a MainWindow with a centralWidget that contains a main QHBoxLayout. This main layout in turn contains a QHBoxLayout and, to the right of this, a QVBoxLayout. The QVBoxLayout contains three QLabel widgets that I have added using vboxlayout->addWidget(aWidget, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter). Problem is that no matter what alignment flags I pass to addWidget my labels always end up aligned to the left of the layout.
Abridged code:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
: QMainWindow(parent)
QWidget centralWidget = new QWidget;centralLayout = new QHBoxLayout; aclockLayout = new QHBoxLayout; aclockLayout->addWidget(aclock, 0, Qt::AlignCenter); counterLayout = new QVBoxLayout; counterlayout->addWidget(vbclock, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter); counterlayout->addWidget(dtdisplay, 0 Qt::AlignHCenter); counterLayout->addWidget(tzdisplay, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter); centralLayout->addLayout(aclockLayout); centralLayout->addLayout(counterLayout); centralWidget->setLayout(centralLayout); setCentralWidget(centralWidget);
@All I want is for my three widgets to be aligned on the vertical center line of the QVBoxLayout. What am I missing here?
QLabel is by default left-aligned and takes up all available space to the right. Try setting the text alignment of the labels.