Qprinter take receipt
Hi all,
I need to take a print receipt. I have one string "hello",,and how to take this value from print receipt using Qprinter,,please give me suggesstion,, Thanks
This is my code
@QESCPOS printer("/dev/ttyUSB0");printer.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); printer.autoConfig(); /*printer.setBaudRate(BAUD19200); printer.setFlowControl(FLOW_HARDWARE); printer.setParity(PAR_NONE); printer.setCharacterCodeTable(QESCPOS::CCT_PC850); printer.setInternationalCharacterSet(QESCPOS::ICS_CHINESE); printer.initialize();*/
// printer.cutPaper(true, 0);
/*QList<QImage> l; l.append(QImage("/home/qdot/Downloads/logo.png")); printer.defineNVRaster(l);*/ printer.write("Test: 大虾多士\n"); printer.cutPaper(true, 0);@
in here i need to display (" Test: 大虾多士\n") in the receipt,,please give me a suggesstion
What is QESCPOS ? How is it related to QPrinter ? What do you get ?
You need to give more informations
I have the chinese character problem same like this link "https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-27508": ,, i have the problem same like as the first diagram,,, the chinese characters are ovarlapped in the receipt,,,but it comes correctly in the widget,,,please give me a good suggesstion,,thanks -
I can't give you any suggestions if you don't answer my questions first
Actually QESCPOS is a third party file,,,i just inherit that mt project,,,my problem is I send the chinese character in the Qprinter means chinese characters are not displayed corretly in the print receipt,,,But if i pass the chinese character in the button means it displayed correctly,,,this is the my problem,,,,please give any suggesstion,,,thanks,,
Which version of Qt are you using ? If you print ASCII char, does it work correctly ?
Hi SGaist,,,I am using Qt 4.8.6,, if i print ascii character means it comes correctly,,, If i print the chinese character means the characters are broken,,
here is my code,
@@QString ItemPushButton::name_check(QString str)
QRegExp [removed]"#([0-9]+);");
QStringList list,list1;
int pos = 0;
int length;
while((pos = expression.indexIn(str,pos))!=-1)
list << expression.cap(1);
QString v;
length = expression.matchedLength();
QByteArray ba = v.toUtf8();
QString str1 = QString(QChar(v.toInt()));
list1 <<str1;
pos += expression.matchedLength();
foreach (QString s, list) {
str = str.replace("#","");
str = str.replace(";","");foreach (QString s, list1) { str = str.append(s); } return str;
for example if i send (#26434;) string in this function means it retuns chinese character string,,after that i pass this string to pushbutton means it displayed correctly,,but if i pass the chinese character in Qprinter means the characters are broken in the receipt,,please give me a suggesstion,,Thanks,,
Then you should ask the status of this on the bug report