Qt3D in Qt5
[quote author="Mark" date="1390374411"]How to know when it will be officially released?[/quote]We'll have to wait for an announcement. It will come when it's ready.
The plan is to include it in Qt 5.3 or Qt 5.4. Sean and others are putting a lot of work into it, they want the thing to be really well polished before officially releasing.
I find these Qt3D delays frustrating too.
Since almost one year I'm following any sign of life of it (ML, GIT, blogs, etc) and still, nothing at all.I've seen lot of people requesting it. Even a preview...a bit...anything really, but Digia/KDAB closed the doors instead of opening them (see Harmer's email saying they're working on a private GIT repo)
Normally, if a company sees a feature is very requested, they put more resources to work on it. I guess this is not the case.I think this behaviour is blocking a lot of interesting projects. Mine too.
I know everything could be done directly using OpenGL qtbase classes, but if someone is not a 3D developer, they can get lost in 5 minutes.In the meantime web based projects like three.js are flying very high and getting awesome results.
I'm a Qt lover, so I think I have no choice other than waiting some more :(
(just wanted to share my view on this) -
I've got a similar problem: I was able to build Qt3d in QtCreator though I needed to relocate some paths according the header files.
But when I try to make it, it says:
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install'Am I missing anything?
OS: OS X 10.9.2
Qt: 5.2.1Cheers
I have similar problem with QT3d building on windows.
Link to my post http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/40138/
Here are the notes from Qt Contributors Summit (last week). "Link":http://qt-project.org/groups/qt-contributors-summit-2014/wiki/Qt3D.
Bottom line: it is still not ready.
Qt3D is now scheduled to make it into Qt 5.5.0.
So we still have to wait about 6 months.I hope there will be a sort of tech preview right after 5.4.0 as I've heard rumours about.
In the meantime it can be built from sources and it's already getting a good shape.
Can't wait to code wonders with it ! :) -
Nothing stops you from trying the wip/newapi branch ;)
[quote author="SGaist" date="1413239182"]Hi,
Nothing stops you from trying the wip/newapi branch ;)[/quote]
Nothing DID stop me :)
I'm following the progresses on that branch since months and when I can I give them a try (on Linux)