[SOLVED] Qt Creator 3.0 & Qt 4.8
Check it out! It's pretty cool for what they had at the time! It just sucks having to deal with backwards compatibility issues :/
I think I got it! for the most part... Not that I can port projects from 4.8 -> 5.2 but just the fact that I can work on projects from different versions of Qt and use an old android work-around (necessitas) all in the same IDE!
It's a bit difficult but andreyc post helps get us in the right direction:
[quote author="andreyc" date="1398396993"]...just go to Options/Build & Run select Qt Versions tab and Add Necessitas as new Qt version. Then go to Kits tab, add new kit and select Necessitas as Qt version.[/quote]You have to install necessitas and point it in the right direction, as stated above.