[Solved] *ui not recognized
Thank you for your reply! Now it is recognized, but I can not call the function in another .cpp file, because it is not static anymore
@\errorMsg.cpp(51): error C2352: 'MainForm::insertTextInErrorBrowser' : illegal call of non-static member function@
I think that I have to change my code to link the function to a specific object
It's better now: I have just some errors about MainForm which are not right, and I don't know why, because the structure seems ok..
The code is:
@int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);MainForm window;
errorMsg error;
error.writeErrorMsg(window," coucou",2);@errorMsg.h:
@class errorMsg : public QObject
void writeErrorMsg(MainForm window, QString msg, int value);
@void errorMsg::writeErrorMsg(MainForm window, QString msg, int value)
QTextEdit *line = new QTextEdit("Hello");
QColor colorLine;
QFont bold;
bold.setBold(true);if (value==1)
else ...window.insertTextInErrorBrowser(line);
}@In the three programs, the MainForm declaration makes some trouble with errors like that:
@errorMsg.h(29): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'MainForm'
error C2511: 'void errorMsg::writeErrorMsg(MainForm,QString,int)' : overloaded member function not found in 'errorMsg'@It says that the function is overloaded, but the element number is the same everywhere.. Would you know what I have to change to remove the errors?
You can't copy QObject objects nor derived class from QObject.
And errorMsg doesn't know anything about MainForm since you didn't include mainform.h
I would recommend taking a look at Qt's demos and examples to get the basics of how Qt works.
It looks like you are also a beginner in C++, I would recommend getting a good book about it before going further
errorMsg, MainWindow, basically anything that derives from QObject
Ok, I just don't see where I copy these objects.. You mean that I can't use it in other programs like a normal object?
For instance, I can not have a function with MainForm in it like
@void writeErrorMsg(MainForm window, QString msg, int value);@
??Sorry to ask that question, it is probably very easy, but I would need to understand the problem to seek the solution
As SGaist said, every object deriving from QObject cannot be copied, your function must therefore be:
void writeErrorMsg(MainForm& window, QString msg, int value);
void writeErrorMsg(MainForm* window, QString msg, int value);
In your function you're (maybe wihout knowing it) making a copy of the window variable, which is then used in the function's body. Since copying a QObject is impossible by design you're not allowed to use this kind of syntax.
Edit: you can have a look at this to get an overview of how you can pass parameters to a function
Can you show the latest version of your code ?
Sure. I put everything.
@#ifndef MAINFORM_H
#define MAINFORM_H#include "ui_mainform.h"
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QString>
#include <iostream>
#include <QTextEdit>namespace Ui {
class MainForm;
}class MainForm : public QMainWindow
//private Ui::MainForm
explicit MainForm(QWidget *parent = 0);
void insertTextInErrorBrowser(QTextEdit *line);private:
Ui::MainForm *ui;
#include <QtGui>
#include "mainform.h"MainForm::MainForm(QWidget *parent)
: QMainWindow(parent),
ui(new Ui::MainForm)
delete ui;
}void MainForm::insertTextInErrorBrowser(QTextEdit *line)
connect(line, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), ui->errorBrowser, SLOT(insertPlainText(QString)));
@#include "mainform.h"
#ifndef ERRORMSG_H
#define ERRORMSG_Hclass errorMsg : public QObject
void writeErrorMsg(MainForm& window, QString msg, int value);
@#include "errorMsg.h"
{}void errorMsg::writeErrorMsg(MainForm& window, QString msg, int value)
QTextEdit *line = new QTextEdit("Hello2");
QColor colorLine;
QFont bold;
bold.setBold(true);if (value==1)
else ... (idem)line->setReadOnly(true);
@#include <QApplication>
#include "errorMsg.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);MainForm window;
errorMsg error;
error.writeErrorMsg(window, "coucou", 2);
window.show();return 0;
}@ -
Your logic is pretty strange, you are creating a read-only QLineEdit and connect it to your errorBrowser. Line edit that will not be shown and never be released.
What is it that you want to achieve ?
Yes the ReadOnly for "line" is useless because the browser is ReadOnly already. My logic is just to make all the changes about the line before and insert it simply in the QTextEdit errorBrowser
What I would like is creating a errorBrowser which can display some defined errors, and also I need to insert a "line" into it.
The errorBrowser is shown thanks to my ui_mainform.h and main.h files, so I thought that the inserted "line" was shown too, right?
Then you should have an error class that represent only the error and that returns the corresponding string (e.g. a lighter version of the QSqlError class)
Why do you need that additional line ?
I use that line because I have to change the writing style before inserting it in the browser (after it is too late). I don't think that I can change the colour and style of the written text directly in my connect to my browser, or maybe it is possible but I don't know how..
Then you should have a look at QTextDocument to see how you can modify blocks of text to show how you want