(Solved) Removing square (objects) from my GUI
Hi everyone. I currently have a .txt file which has a list of (x,y) coordinates. I read this and create square objects and display to the screen. I have a for loop that loops through all the x,y coordinates in the .txt file and generates the objects such as:
@ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < coordinatesTextFile.size(); i++){
//convert local coordinates to GUI coordinatesDisplayObjects *obstacle = new DisplayObjects(((coordinatesTextFile[i][0]-1)*(screenLength/xSquareSize)),((coordinatesTextFile[i][1]-1)*(screenWidth/ySquareSize)-1)); scene->addItem(obstacle); }@
I want to be able to delete/add old/new coordinates from my .txt file and have the square objects show the result dynamically. Currently I have to close the GUI and re-run the program.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
One way to do it:
- QFileSystemWatcher to get notifications when the file is modified.
- Re-read the file
- Update your coordinate list
- Update your scene
Hope it helps
Brilliant, thank you SGaist!
You're welcome !
If this answers your question, please update the thread title prepending solved so other forum users may know a solution has been found :)
Hi SGaist, just to check, I edited the title to include (Solved). Is this what you meant?
Exactly yes :)