Setting up tabs
Hi, When your tabs class (cpp/hpp and ui) are a QWidget based, yes this is very well possible.
Connect a signal when a button is clicked to a slot that will be creating the new tab widget. In that slot, create a new widget, append to the tabWidget in your mainwindow and if needed store the pointer to that widget in a mainwindow class member variable.
// short example:
void MainWindow::AddTabFromButton(void) // You could also use automatic slot creation etc, what every you like
QWidget NewTab = dynamic_cast<QWidget>(new MyTabs(this));
m_TabWidget->addTab(NewTab, MyTabName); // Ok, MyTabName is the QString that will be placed in the tab itself.
Your m_TabWidget is then the TabWidget mainwindow class member (or if designer is used: ui->TabWidget.addTab());
The m_TabList is a mainwindow class member of the type QList<QWidget*> m_TabList.
Hope this snippet helps. -
Out of curiosity, why the type cast ?
A bit of nitpicking: since it's QWidget *, it should be a qobject_cast if you really want to cast
Yup, just a coding standard option here in my company. You are very right that no type cast is needed because of the base class pointer stuff. And yes, I have forgotten the qobject_cast, thx, will remember next time.
But to the casting point, our coding standard explicitly states that even when it is logical and obvious we still need explicit typecast! This to have no confusion between programmers. It's more a C thing really.
Greetz -
Ok, fair enough, thanks for the explanation :)
Okay, sorry to bring up an old thread.
Ive read your posts, and they have helped a lot.
this is where I am at with the project:
@#include "mainwindow.h"
#include <QToolButton>MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
newTabButton = new QToolButton(this);
connect(newTabButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(newTabButtonClicked()));webview = new QWebView(this); QString Url = ""; webview->load(Url); URLbar = new QLineEdit(this); SearchBar = new QLineEdit(this); tabWidget = new QTabWidget(this); //resides within mainLayout. Level 3 Layout. QToolBar *navBar = addToolBar(tr("Navigation")); navBar->addWidget(URLbar); navBar->addWidget(SearchBar); //resides within masterLayout. Level 2 Layout. QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->addWidget(navBar); mainLayout->addWidget(webview); //contains mainLayout QWidget *tabContent = new QWidget; tabContent->setLayout(mainLayout); //master layout. Highest Layout. QVBoxLayout *masterLayout = new QVBoxLayout; masterLayout->addWidget(newTabButton); masterLayout->addWidget(tabWidget); QWidget *masterWidget = new QWidget; masterWidget->setLayout(masterLayout); tabWidget->setLayout(mainLayout); tabWidget->addTab(tabContent, "1st Tab"); setCentralWidget(masterWidget);
delete ui;
}void MainWindow::newTabButtonClicked()
tabWidget->addTab(tabContent, "New Tab");
I am running qt creator on my mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks). Whenever I hit the newTabButton, the application crashes for no apparent reason. How can I fix this? -
Did you run your code through the debugger ?
Did you initialize tabContent to something valid ?
Looking at your code you did not. In your constructor you are shadowing tabContent.
Like I said before, in your constructor you are shadowing your class member variable which is probably not what you wanted to do