[Solved] QHash and QVector
I have some data read by lines from a .csv file
line = file.readLine();
list = line.split(',');
listSize = list.size();
@I also have to defined a QHash
QHash<QString, QVector<float> > hash;
@Now I want to store the data read to the hash. I can fill in case if i have @int@ instead of @QVector<float>@. E.g.
for(int i = 1; i<= listSize; i++)
hash[QString::number(i)] = 1;
@How to do it with @QVector<float>@ if i want to keep the rows/first element of each row in QVectors.##
Thanks in advance.
I solved it myself for filling lines to QVector, can anyone help to do it for rows??
line = file.readLine();
list = line.split(',');
QVector<float> vec;
for(int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++)
}hash[line] = vec; //qDebug() << list; }@
I have some question about your logic:
Your hash key is the string representation of the QVector content, is that really what you want ?What do you mean by rows ?
Thank you for answering.
Actually I already solved it by myself as follows:@for(int j=0; j<listSize; j++)
@I need this kind of representation as I am doing clustering and I need to separately keep the data from the headers.
You're welcome,
But still... That logic seems very convoluted...
If everything is working now, please update the thread's title to solved