Qtjsondb build failed for android
when trying to build qtjsondb for android, got the error:
jsondbpartition.cpp:62:25: fatal error: sys/statvfs.h: No such file or directory
how to fix it?
Vlad -
in jsondbpartition.cpp, the following change should resolve the error:
<< #include <sys/statvfs.h>
#ifndef ANDROID
include <sys/statvfs.h>
include <sys/vfs.h>
define statvfs statfs
I also ran into some other issues during the build:
(Changes could be wrapped with #ifdef ANDROID...)qjsondbmodelutils.cpp failed due to "ambiguous overload for 'operator <'. Making the following change resolved that:
//return (dLhs->directions[i] ? lhsValue < rhsValue : rhsValue < lhsValue);
return (dLhs->directions[i] ? rhsValue > lhsValue : lhsValue > rhsValue);-
src/daemon/main.cpp failed since lockf and F_TLOCK are not defined.
//if (lockf(lfp, F_TLOCK, 0)<0)
if (fcntl(lfp, 1, 0)<0) -
dbserver.cpp failed since '::getpwent': wasn't defined.
//#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(ANDROID)