Developing iOS under Windows
I also looked into this recently (ish).
Once you have your windows Qt 5.1 project, how do you use xcode to create an app ready to deploy on iDevice?
Fodder -
virtualbox, and there is some already done virtualbox Mac OS on internet.
Read this page, have a step-by-step guide to do it
"": -
You should be able to get pretty far without a mac: You can write the UI and most of the backend (provided you do not need lots of iOS functionality not covered by Qt!) and only move that over to a mac for deployment to your iPhone after most of the work is done.
You will need to plan for quite a bit of trouble near the end of your schedule: You are moving your code to a new platform, a new compiler and have to use lots of new tools. That can be a lot of work, that you would have dealt with in more quiet parts of the schedule instead of moving it right before the deadline. Plus you need to do a lot of on-device testing that will uncover quite a few new bugs and misfeatures.
So, quite a bit can be done without a mac, but I would personally recommend not going down that road.