Performance difference (Qt4 vs Qt5)
I have just migrated my project of a simple moving dial using QML and there is
a reduction in performance in Qt5The needle jitters as it moves, smooth in Qt4
The QML is launched using QQuickview in QT5
Qdeclarativeview in QT4
How can I fix the QT5 issue ?
...just realised this post is a year old not a few days
In Qt5, you can tell QtQuick to offload to a different thread. But treat that as a last resort - I think the problem lies somewhere else. What are the changes in your QML for Qt5? Maybe your code is suboptimal, or you are running on Mesa drivers? Are you using the newest version (Qt 5.2.0)?
Thanks for picking this up
Only changed
import QtQuick 1.0
import QtQuick 2.0
This is the moving element in qml
Image {
id: needle2
x: 678; y: 107
smooth: true
source: "needle.png"
transform: Rotation {
id: needle2Rotation
origin.x: 17.5; origin.y:151
//! [needle angle]
angle: Math.min(Math.max(-60, root2.value*1.215 - 60), 200)Behavior on angle { SpringAnimation { spring: 1.4 damping:.15 } } } }
I see the same QT4 to QT5 difference in Windows and Linux
Linux is my main development platformThe OpenGL example apps run fine
Im running 5.2
The qml code above is the dial with slider example shipped with QT4.8 (its not in QT5)
Please edit your post and wrap the code between '@' tags: it will be much easier to read.
I can recognize the code, yes. In Qt 5.2, you can actually bump the import to:
import QtQuick 2.1 // or maybe even 2.2, I'm not sure
@Maybe you are indeed on to something wrong in Qt itself: it should be running smoothly.
Regarding Performance differences between Qt 4 and Qt 5, as always it depends on your use case. In the Widget stack, I would expect painting performance between 4.8 and 5.0 to be very similar. In 4.8 we deprecated the "native" painting in favour of raster, and in Qt 5 almost any use of QPainter will result in the use of the raster paint engine (except for a few cases where you will us the OpenGL paint engine instead).
For the QML cases, QtQuick 1.x -> QtQuick 2.x will almost always be more performant in Qt 5 vs Qt 4. Here for the majority of cases (except for QQuickPaintedItem) we'll be rendering your scene in OpenGL and avoiding the QPainter abstraction all together.
There are of course other factors than painting/rendering performance at play when discussing comparisons between Qt 4 and Qt 5, but in the case of graphics performance Qt 5 should be equal to or better than in Qt 4.
QtQuick 2.1 and 2.2 had the same results
UI Componenets Dial Control Example in Qt 4.8
ported to Qt5.2if its just me seeing the degraded dial movement then I need to see what im doing different, im not an experienced Qt programmer ,Qt is my first C++ experience after using C in embedded products.
Looking closer this dial control QML is in Qt5 install
it doesn't appear in the welcome page of examples , but it does sit in the Qt5 install directory , all the porting changes already done.
I loaded ready ported qml with the same problem.
running Qt4 dialcontrol and Qt5 dialcontrol side by side on the same monitor will show the obvious difference
How did you run the example? I opened <Qt>/examples/declarative/ui-components/dialcontrol/ in Qt Creator, built it and ran it. It was perfectly smooth for me -- MSVC 2012 x64, OpenGL. (Although, I'm using a gaming PC with a powerful graphics card).
Ah, you're right. Anyway, I ran both versions, and here are the results:
If I drag the slider from one end to the other, both versions are equally (very) smooth.
If I drag the slider really slowly across, then the Qt Quick 2 version is a bit jerkier.
I'm guessing that you saw the effects of trial #2? I think the degradation here is due to how the QML engine delivers bound values to Behavior/SpringAnimation, not due to slower graphics performace. If graphics were degraded, then you'd see the jerkiness in trial #1 too.
Also, if you delete the "Behavior on angle" part in Dial.qml, you'll find that the graphics updates are really snappy.
Nonetheless, it's still a degradation from Qt Quick 1. Would you like to report it to ?
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