Developing for Symbian in Linux
Hi there,
First of all, sorry if this topic has been discussed previously. I did a brief search, and all the replies seemed a bit old, and not exactly what I was looking for.
I'm looking for a way to develop for Symbian devices in my Ubuntu box, using Qt Creator, in a similar way I'm currently doing for Harmattan. There, things are really straight forward: you create / import a project, add Simulator & Harmattan targets, add a remote device, and you're good to go. I can test my apps on the phone really quickly.
I tried the same selecting Symbian in the "New project" wizard, but then the project ends up having just the Simulator target. From that point, I couldn't find any way to add a remote Symbian device, nor a way to generate a sys package to update it later.
Could anyone help me with that, or point me to the resources to do it? I'm also comfortable using Scratchbox for Maemo / MeeGo, so following a similar approach for Symbian would be fine, if it exists.
OK, it seems someone just asked the very same thing a moment before I hit "post":
Still no useful replies there (other than "try Windows")