[Solved] I want to run youtube video or embed code in my qml application.
Hi, I have opened just now for test (I was already sure) http://www.youtube.com and I see any video with the N950 browser. It is possible that you have some problem or some component not installed correctly on your device. As is, it is also possible that your program works but the device not due to this problem. The advice I can give to you is to reset the device and if it already has problems reflast the N950.
Hi, AFAIK N950 web browser can't handle yet video. When you try to play a video from YouTube, an external player is raised. Web browser is still in a early stage... I read somewhere.
@Alicemirror: OT: hey ! You look different with your new avatar :-)
@deimos: the last image was with in a windy day on the reef in Ibiza and the shoot was done by myself. This other is of a couple of days ago, quite in studio at home. And the shoot was done by my wife. Always happy the same :)
I want to run youtube video or embed code in my qml application, i am developing Qt qml application for N950 meego device.
any one :( youtube embed code using qt qml for meego N950 device.I wan to develop an application for N950 device will play lots of videos from youtube ,any idea , any suggestion.
I would like to suggest you to use QtMultimediaKit to play videos. Also take a look at "youtube API":http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/2.0/developers_guide_protocol.html
Another thing to take care for youtube, are cookies. Since some time, to get streams to play, youtube wants cookies that are retrieved when a search is made (I don't know, but maybe if you use a developer key, cookies are not needed).
Can QtMultimediaKit (Video or Audio) control play videos from youtube ? or some websource like "http://abc.com/abc.wav" ?
yes. Look at "here":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.2/qml-multimedia.html
Thanks deimos,plz show me the code which play any youtube video using Qt qml or qml Html5 code.
sorry for the late, my site get down. I made a software that maybe you will be find interesting for your purpose. The new address is "here":http://marcobavagnoli.wordpress.com
but there is not yet the page with N950 port made with c++/QML even if it wont be usefull because the youtube query and video player is made in c++. If you want to try it its available only .deb file for now, "here":http://my-meego.com/software/applications.php?fldAuto=261&faq=9But, playing youtube video, is not so simple like assign to "Video::source" the url of the video. You must first query youtube API for infos about the video you are willing to play (look at my previous post to get the youtube API page). The query will be returned in xml/json format containing all the video infos. Next step will be to assign the right video url address to Video component. That's something all :)
In my previous post I told you about cookies. In QML isn't possible yet to pass cookies to Video element. In my app I made my own component subclassing QDeclarativeItem to play video with QMediaPlayer. But I think that with a YouTube developer key it is not needed.
hope this helps
you can take a look also at "cuteTube-QML":http://my-meego.com/software/applications.php?fldAuto=35&faq=2
Thanks again deimos, i have dowloaded this cuteTube-QML project,and also deployed it on my N950 device.this application is searching videos from youtube but not playing both in E7 and on N950.
I have played youtube video directly on button click in N950 meego device by sending following request:
manager = new QNetworkAccessManager();
QObject::connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),this, SLOT(handleNetworkReply(QNetworkReply*)));
QNetworkRequest request(QUrl(QString("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/"+videoId)));
@(where videoid=Q4ng-G03PgM or any other youtube videoid)
and getting following link through QNetworkReply.
(where Stryoutubelink is a Qstring)
and then i put this link on button click.
@it will open youtube video ridrect on mobile's video player.