Symbian (and others?): How to translate "Q" into "1". Mapping char keys into numbers
Hi there
My mobile app needs digit input only (some sort of a calculator) and I wouldn't like to bother the users with the need to switch to the digit input.
Is there some Qt way for converting the key code (raw scan code maybe?) into a digit that is on that key even if keyboard is not in a digit input mode right now.
On US/UK Symbian keyboard, for example, digit "1" shares key with the letter "Q", so I want to get 1 whenever user presses this key regardless of the input mode.
Best regards,
Artem. -
Well one solution might be to check if the user entered letter or number, after which check what the letter is and return the co-responding number. Put the letters in a map for example and check there
QMap<int,QChar> m;
@then use
int number = m.key('Q');
@I don't think there is any better solution to that, at least nothing Qt specific.
That would work, Eus, if I knew all the possible keyboard layouts for all the languages out there.
I'd like to have it a little more platform independent (or at least locale independent, for now it's fine if solution is Symbian-specific).
[quote author="artem.marchenko" date="1315150257"]That would work, Eus, if I knew all the possible keyboard layouts for all the languages out there.
I'd like to have it a little more platform independent (or at least locale independent, for now it's fine if solution is Symbian-specific).[/quote]
The best option is to set your editor to numeric mode on initialization itself. This way user won't have to change it.
QtK, problem is that I don't use any editors. 95% of app is QML with my own controls with controls similar to these onces + a couple of buttons
I draw on-screen keyboard for touch devices myself. For devices that also has hardware keyboard I use Keys element to listen to keyboard events ( ).
So I'd probably need to some system-wide way to switch input mode to digits (ok, app-wide, not system-wide). I am not sure if it is possible at all.
Hm.... Well you could always capture key events, not sure how that would work with QML, sorrry =/
I guess that the keys numeric values would be the same on all platforms with few differences at most, so that's the other thing you could check. -
I don't mind capturing keys on the c++ side and then signaling them to QML, I just don't know how to translate the Q key scan code to whatever number lives on the same key.
Well, for latin alphabet letter-number mapping is quite stable for full QWERTY keyboards and non-QWERTYs are not common. For non-latin alphabets it won't probably work, however.
In the documentation about key scancode management you can find a useful example on how to manage keypressed under QML documents.