[Solved]creating tabs
I found a signal currentChanged for TabWidget, but i cant find out how to use it?
Any idea???
docs said
Qt Signal Documentation
@void currentChanged (int)
This is the default overload of this signal.This signal is emitted whenever the current page index changes. The parameter is the new current page index position, or -1 if there isn't a new one (for example, if there are no widgets in the QTabWidget)
yeaa u r right.
I tried using the following code, but then the same form is shown when both statics tab as well as the history tab is clicked even though i have connected two different forms
Rather than creating a new thread I thought its better this way,
The above code should set an icon in the first tab right?? But apparently its not!. I've put the image in the resource file.
???any idea
it worked in the new project, both in the device as well as the simulator.
@I think i know why it doesn work on my application.
tabWidget = new QTabWidget;
tabWidget->setStyleSheet("QTabWidget::tab-bar{left:0px; width:350px; }\n"
"QTabBar::tab{height:40px; width:95px; color:red; font:9pt; }\n");
tabWidget->setTabIcon(0,QIcon(":/images/clock.png"));pCalender = new QWidget;
pHistory = new QWidget;
pStatistics= new QWidget;connect(tabWidget,SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)),this,SLOT(onSelectTab(int)));
@EDIT : solved :D
bq. it worked in the new project, both in the device as well as the simulator.
so you know a good approach to solve issues yourself. Sometimes a project can grow bigger and bigger. If you make a small test project like you did you can easily narrow down to the problem. Now you know for sure that the code is right.
bq. EDIT: na i don think so, cuz widgets are placed inside the tabs not on those heading.
To be sure just comment out the lines you suspect. This one is for you ;)