Apart from the fact that you should indeed hash (one-way, symmetric) the password for storage (and comparison) as @Pablo-J-Rogina says, when you write:
QSqlQuery loginQuery("SELECT * FROM 'logindetails' WHERE studentID='" + enteredUsername + "' AND password='" + enteredPassword + "';");
if (!username.compare(enteredUsername) && (!password.compare(enteredPassword)))
by the time that query returns a row you already know both the username & password have matched since you pass them in the query, so you only need to check whether 1 row or 0 rows were returned...
For hashing, from Qt you can probably use http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qcryptographichash.html#details. So your process is:
When the user specifies his password, hash it and stored the hashed to the database.
When a user tries to logon and specifies a proposed password, hash that and pass it to query like you have to see if it is same as a hash in the database row.
So you never pass the unhashed/clear text of the password to/from the database.